#<--- Shang Liu Kang tag
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psin314 · 1 year ago
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well I guess he will try to behave for the next 5 minutes
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tomboxed · 1 year ago
whiteboard part 2
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also ft. doodles and my friend getting married to kung lao
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ishimaru-suprimacy · 10 months ago
Liushang pls save me pls save me liushang
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Sorry for not posting and the resolution on this :(
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magicrainbowkitties · 7 months ago
Hyperfixations are insane bro.
Anyways here's my "MK1 Roster By How Good Of A Hugger They Are" tier list
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Not Pictured:
Shang Tsung: A
Reiko: B
Explanations under the cut if you want them.
S tier:
Smoke/Tomas: Great arm strength, super sweet and cute in his intro dialogues, definitely goes for head pats. Also big ups for the smokey smell.
Scorpion/Kuai Liang: Arm strength, sensitive and protective in his dialogues, and very warmb. Perfection.
Johnny Cage: You cannot tell me this version of the guy is not absolutely INSANE at hugs. Arms, emotional sensitivity, words of affirmation if you need them, and LOVES giving them. CageCon attendees attest he hugs like a giant teddy bear.
Sindel: She doesn't give them often, but when she does it's the absolute Best. Mom hugs are best hugs, you can fight me on that. But her big up is the prehensile hair. Mom hug + more hug from hair? FUCK YES.
Reptile/Syzoth: I mean this for both reptilian and human form btw. Because in one case, gigantic croco-man being extra careful to not to nick you on claws and scales, and on the other, nuzzles and contact. BOTH have the ups of strength, dad hugs (his son may be dead but I will attest that no matter the status of the child, the ability to give dad hugs remains with the father in question) are also best hugs, and a tail. Also being cold-blooded he'll probably try to seek warmth from the person he's hugging. So more physical contact. Which is Amazing.
A Tier:
Raiden: Very sweet and kind, just BARELY didn't make S tier. Only because the lightning probably means he's got static everywhere and even if his amulet is turned off, he's still gonna accidentally shock you. Which for some people is negligible, but this is my list. Still great at hugs, but with a fatal flaw.
Liu Kang: Also a very near-miss for S tier. He's got a lot of the same ups as Kuai Liang, except he's a good deal less sensitive than the latter dialogue wise, and he strikes me as the kinda guy who feels a little awkward hugging people. Not bad in the slightest, but he prefers other methods of affection.
Kenshi: He's not a very physically affectionate person, before or after blindness, and probably has a few issues recognizing when it's necessary. However, when he does give hugs, (more likely that he's the one being given the hug), he's very sweet about it. Probably goes on for a while longer than originally intended, very good for touch starvation. Just don't expect it very often.
Kung Lao: Would be an S if he TOOK OFF THE FUCKING HAT. Look man, I'm tryna get physical affection, and you're real nice and sweet when you wanna be, but I am NOT tryna get decapitated by that fuckin table saw super-glued to your head! Good arms, tho.
Shao: Yeah this one surprised me too. But, big guy, leans down, and DEFINITELY a fan of head pats. But he's a near miss for B because of the fact that 1, definitely not a hugger, and 2, he's an asshole. He probably gives side hugs if absolutely necessary. Definitely hugged Reiko when he was a kid, tho.
Shang Tsung: OK HEAR ME OUT. Absolute BOTTOM of A tier, but DAMMIT that fucker is a convincing guy. He's spent years and years hawking fake cures and things, you think he doesn't know how to use physical means to make his sales pitch more convincing? He's actually very, very good at hugs and making people feel better about themselves, and that's part of what makes him so damn dangerous.
B Tier:
Kitana: People are gonna hate me for not putting her higher, huh? Well I speak naught but the truth. Bc my girl is NOT a hugger for anybody except her family. Just not really her thing. She prefers a handshake and good conversation from her friends and allies. She gives decent hugs when called for, and is a good person to hug in crisis, but she'd rather be there either in a group hug or on the side talking someone through it while one of the S or As handle the Actual Hugging Part.
Tanya: Same kinda deal as Kitana, but mostly for maintaining professionalism as an Umgadi. She's very sweet and understanding, but prefers to pat shoulders and give affection through presence unless you're very, VERY close to her (cough Mileena)
Ermac: Total wild card. Countless souls within the body mean countless possibilities for hug affinity or quality. So direct middle of B tier, just to be safe. Based on story mode, however, Jerrod is a solid S.
Ashrah: Again, not much of a hugger, but gives decent ones when necessary. Isn't used to physical affection in the slightest, but overtime may graduate to an A as she comes to understand touch as something that doesn't have to hurt.
Takeda: I... Really don't have an explanation for this one. I just. Very mid vibes.
Reiko: Affection is for weak losers, man up and get over it, why don't you? What do you mean touch doesn't have to be hostile, that's crazy talk, leave him alone. Nevermind the fact that he will probably break down sobbing if he gets a real hug he can't push away, and will probably come just this side of crushing the hugger's ribs in return, what? Didn't happen, if you speak of this, you lose your jaw. Why are you bringing the General into this?
C Tier:
Rain: Not a hugger, not good at it, doesn't want to be. Also VERY sweaty. Or maybe that's just his water magic. Either way not good. The only thing keeping him out of D tier is he's got a decent amount of strength to it.
Havik: Will absolutely detach his entire torso in the middle of a hug so the other person freaks the fuck out. He thinks this is funny. It's not.
Peacemaker: Cop mentality and insensitive. The ONLY reason he's not in D is because I am told John Cena is amazing at hugs, so he has some trickle-down skill from there.
Mileena: Was a solid A before getting Tarkat. Very sweet and physically affectionate, and one of the things she mourns the most from before the infection. She especially wishes she could hug Tanya and Kitana more often, but they're also the last people in the world she wants to get sick.
D Tier:
Sub-Zero/Bi-Han: Ew cold hands. Also believes that physical affection is a weakness and refuses to do it. How in the hell is he related to Kuai Liang???
Li Mei: Is a fucking cop. As a rule, cops are bad at hugs.
Quan Chi: Why would you ever want a hug from this fucker? Unless you're Shang Tsung. And even then it's probably not great just because he doesn't get the point.
Baraka: NOPE. Even if you don't care about Tarkat, he does, and will refuse hugs of any kind ever. Even if it wasn't contagious, he's very spiky and awkward with it. Ask Syzoth.
Omni-Man: Just as likely to crush your ribcage as to awkwardly pat the back, more either way depending. Best avoid this fashy fuck all together.
Geras: He is very sweet and a good emotional rock. But a hugger he is not. He refuses hugs with a similar fervency to Baraka, but without the urgency ofc. He hates hugs, and asks that you please respect his boundaries. Also he'd get sand all over your clothes.
Homelander: Do I even need to explain.
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vividlynotsane · 9 months ago
Geras, Mileena, Tanya, Shang Tsung, Lord Liu Kang, Johnny Cage, Kenshi, Kung Jin, Kung Lao, Raiden (MK1), and Quan Chi in the pride clown car and some random person walks up to the car and then Lord Liu Kang comes out with a gun that is pink and he says "TASTE THE RAINBOW MFS" and the gun shoots out flags (the person dies because why not) and the pride clown car drives off.
Also, happy pride month!
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mothsgotghosts · 6 months ago
This is for such a niche audience I'm sure but GUYS. D20 and MK1 Fans. Please. I hope you all find this. NEVER STOP BLOWING UP AU. okay. Okay hear me out. I'm gonna yap about this idea bc I have no friends who like mortal kombat. Probably nobody will find this but OH WELL. Nsbu spoilers for sure btw
Ok so this is like a. No outworld au I guess. Idk how else to describe it tbh. So like, Raiden, Kung Lao, Johnny, Kenshi, Tomas, and Syzoth all work at a video rental store that is going out of business. Its owned by like. Shang Tsung I guess. I haven't fully thought that part through tbh-
Anyway they have their little going out of business party after calling some guy to come like pay his late fees for this video tape. The guy shows up and it's Liu Kang yayyy. Then he like yk. Rewinds the tape and they all get sucked in‼️
Raiden ends up as the Kingskin character
Kung Lao is the Vic Ethenol
Johnny is the Jennifer Drips
Tomas is the Jack Manhattan
Syzoth is the G13
And Kenshi is actually. Not a Greg Stocks character, but instead an FBI agent. Also he's a girl too j cuz
Shang Tsung is unfortunately the president j like Dave
And Lui Kang is like. Kinda similar to Damien Bane but not really
I should warn you all I am. A johnshi shipper and that's gonna be obvious in this so if u don't like them u should go 😔. I also ship railao and symas but as of rn those aren't nearly as prevalent to the plot.
ANYWAY. The storylines of the nsbu chatacters they reflect are different from the actual show bc I'm not copying the characters exactly, but the movie plot is relatively the same
I don't have much in the way of an actual plot but here's some silly little ideas I have yayyy:
Syzoth does get hacked by his character similar to Usha, they DO bring him back thankfully but it's WILD
Syzoth is also the G13 character bc he's the only one of the six who in canon is not from Earthrealm and I thought it'd be funny if this guy is just Bad at technology for literally no reason
I chose the six people that I did bc four of them are the champions of Earthrealm and the other two are just silly billies. That's my main reasoning tbh
Liu Kang is not as. Unhinged? As Barsimion for the record, he's a lot chiller and acts like himself if he was just like. A tiny bit crazy and full of whimsy
Johnny and Kenshi's characters plots are intertwined I think. A spy and an FBI agent constantly at each other throats, it's also Super Gay (just like them 😁)
Raiden is the Kingskin character because I truly feel like someone should tell this man he's allowed to be selfish sometimes. Someone please let him know that occasionally he can be a bit selfish.
Tomas is the Jack Manhattan because I feel like he would act a lot like Paula does at times. Just like freaking out and saying insane shit. That's the main reason. ALSO BC HIM BEING A GRIZZLED LOOSE CANON DETECTIVE WOULD BE FUNNY
Johnny was definitely a little jealous of Tomas bc he got to be the detective guy, he learns to like his character tho I swear
Kung Lao is the Vic Ethenol bc like. Honestly Vibes.
Shang Tsung is literally gonna explode the world and start so many wars just like Dave bro cannot be chill
And that's all I got yayyy. I love you if you read this whole thing and if u have more ideas PLEASE lmk. Okay byeee
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queerfreakfck · 1 year ago
just bought the game to find out my graphics driver doesn't run it well enough to actually see during the kombat fights
but the cutscenes render perfectly
i'll take my wins
i get to stare at hot guys, girls, and everyone else endlessly because i have easy access all the time, anywhere
and is that not glory in and of itself?
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masarapnaitlognibi-han · 1 year ago
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Tihehehehehe, Shang's doesn't wearing anything cuh he ran outta house and start panicking looking for his cat.
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voidselfshipp · 7 months ago
MK S/I Interactions.
Cw: mentions of bad parents. Suggestive (sex jokes)
>Ask to tag.
>Only mutuals allowed to reblog.
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Liu kang: your Beauty never ceases to bring me to my knees.
Me: Even before the reset?
Liu Kang: If theres one constant that I cannot control,its how breath taking you are.
Me:should I adopt the name Kalon?
Liu Kang: Whatever you choose to do,im sure you'll have no issue bringing even more Beauty to the name.
Me:Hate to break pretty things
Liu Kang: Next to you I become frail as porcelain. But I dont mind falling to pieces at your feet.
Me:Was Kalon loved?
Liu Kang: She was just as loved as you are. I dont Belive that there wasnt a timeline where anyone who met you didnt love you.
Liu Kang: I can only imagine this Will stoke your competitive Fire.
Me:dont worry,ill kiss it better when you lose.
Tomas: I dont want to hurt you
Me: Hah!. I can take it,pretty boy.
Tomas: whoever loses pays for our Next date.
Me:today your Wallet is going up in smoke,dear.
Me: well if it isnt the prettiest ninja ive ever did see
Tomas: oh psh...[face red]. Uhm...hi.
Tomas: can we cuddle after this?
Me: all day long, smokey.
Tomas:have I ever told you that I love you?
Me: every day. But I love you too,tommy.
Scorpion: Fields are often times razed to ashes to make space for New crops.
Me:then maybe I wont mind if I get burnt.
Scorpion: you make art out of your gift
Me:And seeing you fight is like staring at a fashion runway.
Me: have I told you I like bugs?
Scorpion: [chuckle] so thats why you like me
Scorpion: Will you aid me in building a New clan?
Me: with anything you need,Artistics included.
Scorpion: my dear,I trust no-one else but you in regards to our image.
Scorpion: I promise you I only have eyes for you.
Me: Harumi is a beautiful woman
Scorpion: And my Friend. As much as I am fond of her,she cant compete with you against your fierceness and your Beauty.
Scorpion: do you still love Bi-Han?
Me: much to my grief,yes. But know that my loyalty Will always be with you and Tomas.
Kenshi: Sooo when are you free?
Me: How about right now?
Kenshi: My eyes are not the prettiest now..
Me: bygone Beauty remains the same even if you can no longer behold it, kenshi.
Kenshi: ive always felt my tattoos to be a source of shame
Me:Theyre art,just Like the rest of you is.
Kenshi: I wish to calm your mind,your thoughts are a whirlwind...
Me:if theres somebody who can soothe me,its you.
Kenshi: often times love is blind
Me: [long snort,audible smile] AWFUL!
Jhonny: Youre coming on as my art director.
Me: I really did make it up into the world.
Jhonny: with your skills, this movie series is going to be breath taking!
Me:You dont know how much that means to me.
Jhonny: Theres my favorite nerdy film student!
Me: theres my favorite airhead director!
Jhonny: How about a Poison ivy cosplay for cage-con,Rooty?
Me: Only if youre my Harley Quinn.
Jhonny: you are a work of art!
Me: what are you waiting to pin me to your wall,then?
Raiden: Lightning always looks for the ground. In that same way,youre the only one that can soothe me
Me: thats adorable,but you can say you just want a hug.
Raiden: when I met you,I really felt what thunder was. My heart wouldnt stop beating.
Me: I hope I didnt bust your eardrums,then.
Raiden: Madame Bo has taken a liking to you
Me: we're going to be such a chaotic duo.
Me: ive got sunshine in my pocket,but I wouldnt mind a little storm.
Raiden: [loving eyeroll] cheeesy!
Raiden: would you like to walk through the gardens after this?
Me: I would love to,honey.
Raiden: just when I needed some sunshine
Me: what has your mood all stormy? What can i do to help?
Syzoth: Do you love all animals?
Me: Specially reptiles.
Syzoth: I feel this odd pull towards you...couldnt it be your powers?
Me:whatever it is, come to me.
Syzoth: [smiles] yes ma'am..
Syzoth: Would you still love me in my reptile form?
Me: babe,I'd still love you even if you were a worm!
Syzoth: your warmth makes me happy
Me: like a gecko under sunlight!
Me: [dragon tail wagging]I'd tease you because your tail is wagging, but im in no better spot.
Syzoth: Heh, I find that adorable.
Bi-Han: my love...I am so sorry
Me: there is an exception for better late than never,Bi-Han. And its you.
Bi-Han: I never meant to kill the fields of your flowers with my winter,my love.
Me: pretty little things Wilt away...
(Reference for the song "Pretty little things" by the crane wives)
Bi-Han: there isnt a day where I dont miss you,my bed feels so cold without you.
Me:youve condemned yourself to eternal winter,Now suffer.
Bi-Han: be honest,do you still love me?
Me: I do,but ive long since seldomed the habit of not doing whats best for me.
Bi-Han: When Will be the day I can bask in your light once again?
Me:when you repent for your crimes and betrayal.
Me: the way you treated tomas was disgusting. My siblings and I arent full blooded and I still adore them. As a fellow older sibling,im dissappointed in you
Bi-Han: [gaze lowers,under his breath] your Dissapointment Hurts me more than any heartbreak.
Kung Lao: youre as beautiful and fierce as mother nature
Me:where do you think she learnt it from?
Kung Lao: [Teasing] youre always so grounded! Live a little.
Me: [teasing] and youve always got your head full of air!
Me:is that a lawnmower on your head?
Kung Lao: thats not funny!
Kung lao: shes Beauty,theyre Grace
Me: shes gonna punch you in the face.
Kung Lao: Dinner at Madame Bo's?
Me: Whoever loses foots the Bill.
Kung Lao: you warned me about Suchinko, and still you didnt say "I told you so" when the everything happened.
Me: I bit it back for the sake of your morale.
Kitana: No hard feelings,Kalon.
Me: [Laughs] raiden has already shown me hes got eyes only for me. Youre good,Princess.
Kitana: If im not mistaken, Punk is often anti-monarchy.
Me: Luckily for Outworld,Mileena is doing an excellent job as Empress.
Kitana: An earthrealmer and an Outworld princess? Scandalous!
Me: c'mon,live a little. I know the perfect spot for a date
Me:You blow me away,Princess.
Kitana: and my love for you has bloomed into a beautiful garden.
Kitana: you've met Outworld,but ive never met Argentina.
Me: oh,you'll love it.
Mileena: I find myself in need of your expertise in plants. The gardens in the Palace look...dull
Me:count me in,empress.
Mileena: I am so,so sorry for blinding Kenshi.
Me: he holds no ill Will,and so do I.
Mileena: [endeared]Syzoth is distracted,i believe hes always thinking about you.
Me: seems I took root within his mind,apologies.
Shang Tsung: is there a timeline where we can be together?
Me: if you abandon your evil ways,it could be this one.
Shang Tsung: I love you,that fact is not a deceit.
Me:Actions speak louder than words.
Shang Tsung: just this once,lets sneak off together.
Me:if you win this fight,we Will.
Shang Tsung: Ah,the owner of my heart. My beautiful lotus, you bless me with your presence.
Me: hah, flirt.
Me:youre so lucky youre pretty...
Shang Tsung: [with a smile] considering myself lucky.
Sindel: your powers are most peculiar,how do they work?
Me: honestly? No clue.
Sindel: I was sure you were going to kill Jhonny during your stay at the Palace.
Me:as Someone who was raised right,that boy lacks manners.
Sindel:out of all the champions,you and Liu Kang are most alike. Respectful,well mannered...
Me: so the guys did that bad of an impression huh?
Me: you dare touch a single hair on Bi-Han's head ...
Havik: he came to us willingly.
Me: you are disturbing to see
Havik: this is the fault of your beloved scorpion.
Me: listen here,you parasite,you dare feed on tomas again and ill rip off your teeth one by one.
Nitara: feisty...
Me:rat with wings...
Nitara: houseplant..
"In your timeline do you also have shit parents?"
"Ive yet to find one where we dont"
"Do you have a cat in your timeline?"
"I have a poodle,actually"
"Oookkay,this is going to change my self worth"
"I dont like this either"
"Are we always destined to be pariahs?"
"Love always finds us, I promise"
(If using the shang Tsung timeline! Cosmetic)
"Im glad that at least in one of the timelines,he And I can be together"
"Its complicated, but we manage"
"All those scars..."
"Shang Tsung didnt inflict them on me,theyre all battle scars. He doesnt dare hurt me".
Kabal: sooo should I worry about any of the guys youve met in China?
Me:Youre my most special one,Kabal.
Kabal: I always thought you'd fist fight god if you met him.
Me: sadly for me,god's hot.
Kabal: home didnt feel the same without you. Ive missed you
Me:im home how,im not leaving any time soon.
Me:erron told me you were unconsolable in my absence.
Kabal: [flustered]that yeeeyee Snitch...
Kabal: youre working with Cage in his New movie?!
Me: isnt that fun?!
Kabal: I want front row seats. If the movies are a bust its his fault,im a firm believer in that!
Kabal: sooo are you taking me to the opening gala?
Me: get yourself a suit,Youre coming with me. Oh! And It better have plants in the theme!
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psin314 · 1 year ago
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god i love their fem versions so much lord have mercy
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arttrampbelle · 1 year ago
I said what i said die mad.
Mk12 liu kang is ugly. You guys just like k pop too much. Or think every asian male has to look like a giga chad meme or white washed to hell. Or worse yet. (Talked about in vent)
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Sorry but robin shou is still handsome,staying in his lane(thank god he retired and is living life happy) and still is a better liu kang. Because guy what?! He actually is a martial artist,fighter,actor,etc. Like seriously. The shitty mk defenders of the realm liu kang had more to his character,character development,and respect.
Like mk legends liu kang and mk11(surprisingly enough. Tho it still is hamfisted and has hella favoritism ugh) isn't bad. It's still not HOW LIU KANG IS SUPPOSED TO BE.
Im not sorry. The og. Mk 1995 movie does liu kang well. Set the mold for shang tsung AND liu kang.
Vent below.
(Also fyi if you ship liu kang and shang tsung together go jump off a cliff and commit ded. Do not talk to me. BLOCK ME. your gross and fetishizing Asian men. And gay men. Kung jin is right there. Oh but that's not good enough for you?! Foh. Shang tsung legitimately hates everyone,especially liu kang. He wants him dead in every fucking universe. how tf is that "hidden feelings"?! Fucking gross. Fucking just block me man. If you want a fan ship do subscorp from mk11. Or if you're big brained. Do subsmoke. Like ffs. Tanya and mileena is right there?! Wtaf man. Leave shang out of you bullshit. And leave liu kang alone. Fans like this only add to character assassination. Again just block me if you ship shang and liu. Fucking wanna puke. Everytime i see it)
Anyways. The meme is for real liu kang fans. Not these posers,newbies,or people who just get into it for shipping two characters that FUCKING HATE EACH OTHER AND ARE LEGITIMATELY ENEMIES!!!
Hell if you like mk11 liu kang,mk legends liu kang,or any other damn liu kang other than mk12/mk1 2023 . Then you can vibe.
Same goes with shang tsung.
I hate the new shang tsung. Not the voice actor. Just everything else about him. And mostly how the fans been treating him. Its gross and disrespectful and disturbing.
Because none of you were like this with mk11 shang tsung. AT ALL. Y'ALL SHAAAAAALOW AND WEAK IF YOU DONT THINK TAGAWA'S SHANG TSUNG IS SEXY AF. But more importantly y'all weren't gross with tagawa's shang. Thank God but it's also sad you gotta treat alan Lee's shang tsung like y'all be doin.
It's disturbing.
So yeah. Gimme the real shang tsung.
Gimme the real liu kang.
Im not sorry.
Vent done
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soulofamy · 7 months ago
Chapters: 2/? Fandom: Mortal Kombat (Video Games 2023-), Mortal Kombat (Video Games 1992-2020) Rating: Explicit Warnings: Graphic Depictions Of Violence Relationships: Fire God Liu Kang/Titan Kitana, Mileena/Tanya (Mortal Kombat), Sonya Blade/Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade & Takahashi Kenshi, Johnny Cage & Takahashi Kenshi, One-Sided Fem!Fujin/Kung Lao, Jade/Rain | Zeffeero, General Shao (Mortal Kombat)/Original Female Character(s), Bi-Han | Sub-Zero/Sareena, Ashrah/Syzoth | Reptile, Jerrod/Sindel (Mortal Kombat), Other Relationship Tags to Be Added Characters: Fire God Liu Kang, Titan Kitana (Mortal Kombat), Geras (Mortal Kombat), Raiden (Mortal Kombat), Kung Lao, Fujin (Mortal Kombat), Johnny Cage, Sonya Blade, Takahashi Kenshi, Mileena (Mortal Kombat), Jade (Mortal Kombat), Tanya (Mortal Kombat), Rain | Zeffeero, Sindel (Mortal Kombat), Original Female Character(s), General Shao (Mortal Kombat), Reiko (Mortal Kombat), Li Mei (Mortal Kombat), Khameleon (Mortal Kombat), Bi-Han | Sub-Zero, Kuai Liang | Scorpion, Tomas Vrbada | Smoke, Sareena (Mortal Kombat), Original Characters, Shang Tsung, Quan Chi, Damashi (Mortal Kombat), Baraka (Mortal Kombat), Syzoth | Reptile, Ashrah (Mortal Kombat), Kano (Mortal Kombat), Ermac (Mortal Kombat), Havik (Mortal Kombat), Nitara (Mortal Kombat), Darrius (Mortal Kombat), Background & Cameo Characters Additional Tags: Alternate Universe - Canon Divergence, Post-MK11, Post-MK11 Aftermath, Canon Rewrite, Rewrite, The New Era Belongs to Fire God Liu Kang & Wind Goddess Kitana, Wind Goddess Kitana, Female Fujin (Mortal Kombat), The ONLY Genderbend in this AU, character-driven, Plot-Driven, Action/Adventure, Fights, Martial Arts, Friendship, Romance, Drama, Humor, Comedy, Bonding, Magic, Tournaments, Plot Twists, Other Ships Not Mentioned in Tags, Other Additional Tags to Be Added Summary:
Having liberated the Hourglass and become Keepers of Time, the Shaolin monk Liu Kang and Outworld's Kahn Kitana had the task to restart history. Not beholden to past events, they were free to craft a new era. With humility and restraint, they approached this blank campus together. After careful discussion and preparation, they painted over the darkness. After eons, they had sketched out the realms. After eons more, they brushed them in with life.
In their new era, all beings would have the opportunity to find peace. Whether or not they do, would be their responsibility. For their power only permitted them to begin this endeavor. It became the duty of mortals to finish it.
*MK1 rewrite. Takes place after the best ending of MK11 and Aftermath.*
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scalproie · 1 year ago
trying to make multiple versions of a character bc of multiverse-related reasons in a video game is kinda dumb in my opinion bc you dont have an infinite model budget, so its always going to feel incomplete and confusing
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mrstsung · 8 months ago
If people could stop making my faves and f/o blorbo supreme stupid ooc or incompetent for plot. Canon and fanfics alike.
That would be appreciated.
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gamerwoman3d · 1 year ago
I knew someone was gonna do this I just didn't think it'd be @tazahan
[I wish it were tazahan's OC most, tho. But maybe that's out of character unless he's training her how to strangle her enemies]
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that Joe Taslim scene from the Warrior series is rent-free in my brain, so I redraw this with Bi Han hehe
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thisonehere · 3 months ago
Come Back To Me
A Match Made in Hell Part 4
Last part
Next part
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A/n: And here it is! Ngl, it's been a long week, I'm just so happy to finally have this out. When it comes to revealing who Y/n' "special friend" is, I've seen a lot of good ideas. I decided to go with the most unexpected one that would burn Bi-Han to see Y/n with.
Tags: @maulsgf @sweetpanda18 @thickemadame @posterbunny @strawbisane @fandom-garbage @sleepyfxce @livingdeadgirly
C/w: Mentions of groping, and stalking, threats of physical violence to reader
It was dark outside now, Bi-Han tried to ignore how late it had gotten. He rubbed drue sleep from his eyes and pulled himself closer to his desk. He tried to keep himself busy by looking over papers before him, all neatly stacked and organized. But Bi-Han would still mess with them, reorganizing them, putting them into different groups. Sometimes he would even reread them. All this to keep his kind off you.
He had frequent meetings with the sorcerers, Quan Chi and Shang Tsung, strategizing their next steps. Bi-Han would still pretend to be loyal to Liu Kang while they continued to work on the shadows. He be a spy for them, telling them Liu Kang's plans so they could prepare for any attack. Then, when the time was right, they all will take him by surprise and destroy him and all his allies. Kuai Liang and Tomas were livid at this news, even to the that they would perhaps do something to stop him. Now that he thought about it actually, he hasn't seen them a lot lately, perhaps they truly are planning to something. If it is true, he isn't worried, he has faith that with the sorcerers, Bi-Han will be able to handle them. It's you that worries him the most.
Bi-Han began to reorganize a stack of papers, he decided he wanted them to each go to another stack. They didn't need to, but he needed something to do. He wasn't usually this obsessive with these trivial things, but it was nice to be distracted. When he finished, Bi-Han sighed and leaned back into his seat. By now it was so late that many of his Lin Kuei had no doubt followed the curfew and turned into their chambers to sleep. Yet he was still up, for so many nights since he went to Lin Kuei to retrieve you, he's been up. He had sent his messenger away to retrieve you weeks ago, the last time he heard from him was that he located you and was on his way back. Hopefully with you.
Since then, Bi-Han has been keeping himself busy to try to keep his mind off of it all. But every moment he got just a second rest his mind, thoughts of you appeared. He hadn't realized just how much he missed until after Tomas's outburst. He didn't want to admit it, but the fool was right, you did love him. And perhaps he did take you for granted, just a little. But none to worry about, You'll
Bi-Han is quickly brought back to reality when he hears a knock on the door. A very timid knock, like the person was scared. But it was enough to cause Bi-Han to quickly sit up right in his, correct his posture, and fold his hands onto the table. "Enter." He barked, putting on his best, stern face. But you look closely enough, you'd see a sie k of hope and anxiety in them. He watched the door as it slowly opened and the Lin Kuei entered. He approached the Grandmaster and made a quick bow. "Well?" If Bi-Han didn't know any better, he could've sworn that he heard the man gulp. "I had successfully managed to find Lady Y/n and make her aware that you ordered her return." Bi-Han stared at him, giving him an eye to the urge to continue. He could see that the Lin Kuei was obviously nervous, this made something in Bi-Han nervous himself. "Lady Y/n heard you request...and she refused to come back."
The Lin Kuei tries to retain his composure as he waits for the Grandmaster to say something. The way the Grandmaster looked at him, it scared him to death. He had a murderous look in his eyes, what makes it more terrifying is the silence. He could feel his heart beat against his ribcage so hard that he swore it was going to burst out. "Grandmaster?" He asks after the Grandmaster says nothing.
"Y/n, I need you to bus table 86 and table 56 need extra silverware." Madame Bo said, she had just come back from showing a party of 3 to their table. "I'm on it." You say as you sling your wrag over your shoulder and pick up the bin of used dishware. It was rush hour and that meant a very busy day at the Tea House, it was a full house and you were working hard. Madame Bo insisted that you take a lunch break, but you insisted on continuing to work. You didn't work past 3 so you wanted to get as much work done as possible before clocking out.
You weren't used to working this much back at the Artika. You helped in the kitchen many times, especially with the cooking, but for the most part you had a very cushy life. But you weren't opposed to trying to work. It was very hard though, when you first started working with Madame Bo you shattered quite a few of her plates when you fell down a flight of stairs after you tripped over your own foot.
For quite some time you were terrified of the stairs.
Madame Bo makes her way to the door as you rush past her to the kitchen to drop off the dishes to be washed and grab more silverware. You eye the clock that hangs over the entrance door, 12:30. A knot forms in your stomach as you see this. In a few hours you'll have to clock out. Madame refuses to let you work past 3 and usually you would be fine with that. But not today. Not after what you said to the Lin Kuei. The image of Bi-Han's face when he finds out you won't return. He would no doubt be furious and heartbroken, and just the thought of that made you feel...good inside, quickly making you forget about your fear and worries. But you couldn't deny how unsure you felt about leaving work alone, Kung Lao and Raiden were away and your *ahem* "special friend" wouldn't be visiting you until later tonight. So you would be spending hours alone. You just hoped you wouldn't have to deal with Lin Kuei sent by Bi-Han to collect you.
For the next few hours you were on your feet running throughout the Tea House, Bussing tables, refilling drinks, and adding new silverware. You even had the pleasure of kicking out a party.
"I think you should leave." You say sternly, hands on your hips as you impatiently tap you foot against the ground. looks at you up and down, unimpressed, the rest of the men at the table snickered, as if you said something funny. He and the rest of the table were getting a little too rowdy after a few too many drinks. They were yelling, used the most foul language you've had the misfortune of hearing, harassed many of the staff and verbally abused them, and even got a little too handsy with the waitresses.
Many of the other guests complained about them, and you finally decided to deal with it. "Listen, sweetheart, I don't think you know who you're talking to. We're not going anywhere. So I suggest you, I don't know, be a good girl and get us some more drinks." His friends nodded in agreement with toothy grins. You narrow you eyes as you study all the men at the table. On their arms bore tattoos that signified their allegiance. Except one, he kept himself covered from head to toe, you thought was weird, but you chose not pay him much kind. They're all a part of a gang that was visiting here for a meeting, a group called the Black Dragon. They were very infamous, especially their leader Kano. They were all evil and rugged to look upon.
You remember you husband reporting that he acquired their all that time ago when you were at the Artika. You thought it was beneath him to work with such low-wit, bottom feeding, ruffians, but you never said anything out of love and support. Some of the other staff members were too scared to kick them out, but as someone who lived with a clan of assassins where you were the wife of one of the most deadliest warriors alive, you weren't very impressed by them. "I'm not asking you to go anywhere, I'm asking you to go somewhere: Outside." Your eyes stay firmly on him, he glares at you, his cocky expression grows a slight bit of annoyance. He gets out of his seat and stand over you all menacing. "Listen," he squints his eyes to look at your name tag. " 'Y/n', cute name by the way, me and my boys have big day today. We're going to be meeting with a very special client. So it would suggest you be a good girl and mind your own business... I'd hate to have to swing by your place to teach you some manners."
Feeling that he did enough intimidating, the black dragon calmly sits back down, pleased on his face. With a sigh, you smooth out the wrinkles of your clothes and fix your composure. You smile at him, and he smiles back, you then grab him by the ear and rip him out of the seat. "Alright. I've listened to you, and now you'll listen to me. Be a good boy and leave, or I'll have to get Madame Bo to teach you some manners, believe me, she is an excellent teacher." And with that, you lead him, by ear, to the door. He leaves a trail of multiple "ow's" and "let go's" until you finally make it to the door and throw him to the ground outside. He angrily tries to get to his feet. "B*tch." He spits at you. The other men at the table found their way to the exit where you were. They all shot your dirty looks as they passed you. Except the masked man he walks past you and keeps walks, the others are quick to follow after him. You thought it was strange but you chose not to care.
"Y/n, we need help in the kitchen. Be sure to wash any germs that boy gave you and help us, won't you?"
You chuckle softly as you follow her to the kitchen. "Of course, I'll be sure to wash off all the fleas he gave me."
Things were finally dying down, many of the customers finished their meals and were going back to work if they had not already left. The restaurant had found a new peace with just a little under 70 customers left, something manageable for the rest of the staff. You were in the kitchen finishing a loaf of dishes and placing them to dry. You grab a cloth to dry your hands "And that's another day." You sigh in relief, the long day finally catches up to you and you need to sit down. Stumble over and collapse into a chair in the corner of the room. Washing the dishes had to be the most gruelling part of the day. It felt like a neverending task, bussers repeatedly coming in with new dishes to the point that you thought you'd be here all night.
You lay your head against the wall as you catch your breath and try to find the strength to clock out. You slowly feel yourself doze off. You begin to daydream about your night. Your friend will come over, you both wanted to watch another movie. He said it's a classic, something called Ninja Mime, you really don't care to see. You're just excited to spend time with him, he has grown to be one of your closest friends here. You met him through Raiden and Kung Lao and you didn't care for him at first, but he grew on you. And now you have movie nights whenever he's here. This will be the last he'll be here in a while though, like Raiden and Lao, there's some kind of crisis that means he'll have to go to aid the fire god. Some conflicts with Shang Tsung and Quan Chi. And Bi-Han's working with them, an enemy right underneath their noses.
You ponder the concept of telling everyone just what Bi-Han was doing. He'd possibly be imprisoned and Kuai would inherit the Lin Kuei, much to Sektor's chagrin. Maybe Bi-Han would rot in a cell until he decided to change his ways. And the Demon, Sareena, she would no doubt escape, maybe back to Quan Chi if he hadn't already been captured. This all painted quite a pretty picture in your head. Then you think even harder about Bi-Han in a cell, he would not go without a fight, so there he is covered in bruises. He sits alone in the dark, his face a mixture of rage and misery. Perhaps that's what he deserves...perhaps...you'll be punished too.
You were complicit in all this, you knew what he was doing was wrong yet you did nothing, you looked the other way, not just to keep him happy, but also because you couldn't bring yourself to care. The only reason you left was because of the affair and now you continue to not tell anyone what Bi-Han was doing. Perhaps, you're just as bad as him. Maybe his cheating was the Elder Gods punishing you. Or maybe you're just trying to find a way to blame yourself for what he did to you.
A stiff pain goes through your neck and throughout your whole body. You groan as you rise to your feet and stretch. It's best not to think about it, just think about your friend. Think about Ninja Mime. Just don't think about--
"So this is what my wife has been reduced to,"
...Oh...Oh God no...
"An underling of an Ex-Lin Kuei, rummaging for scraps in a backwater village." Bi-Han stood under the entrance. He leaned against the doorframe, a vicious scowl on his face as he looked you up and down. He watches as you slowly turn to face him, horror painted all over your face. Bi-Han gets off the doorframe, he fixes you with a harsh gaze. The tension in the air is thick as you both just stand there. He had expected some witty retart from you by now, but you just stared at him with dread and disgust. His rage subsided for a moment, he hasn't seen your face for too long. You used to look at him with such love in your eyes, but now you look at him like he's some monster who's about to attack you.
"Y/n..." he started, not quite sure what he'd say. "Bi-Han..." you stare at him in disbelief as you slowly shake your head. "Why the hell are you here?" I came to bring you home is what he wanted to say, "On a business trip. I have a meeting tonight with a very special asset." Bi-Han looks at you as he can tell you are working in your head, suddenly, your eyes widen. "Those Black Dragons... They're here for you!?" Bi-Han merely nodded. Originally, he was supposed to meet with Kano at the Artika, but when you rejected him, he had Shang Tsung teleport him here where he'd now hold the meeting. It was a terrifying moment, the way Bi-Han burst into the Sorcerers lair, a vile rage in his eyes. He had dealt with the Lin Kuei for failing him and now he intended to deal with you. Shang Tsung immediately opened the portal, mainly out of fear.
He had thought you'd recognize him at the table when you kicked him and the Black Dragon out. He had offered to go with them to Madame Bo's, going as far to pay for it all. All just for a chance to see your face. He was mildly impressed with how you handled the man, he was surprised to see you like this. You were so different then when he last saw you. You were in much more simpler clothing than he was used to. He thought about how you used to look, he never really paid attention to how much effort you put into your hair, your clothes, your makeup, everything. All that effort just for him. You were so beautiful, even now, you're more beautiful here. More than beautiful, he saw the face you made as you worked today. Pure joy and content. You seem so happy here, away from him...
"Then go." You say coldly as you turn you back to him. "You're not going to kiss me good luck?" He took a few steps closer to you. "Why don't you ask Sareena to do it?" Bi-Han chuckled a little, there's the fire he was looking for. "She already has, among other things." Though Bi-Han didn't see it, he could sense the rage slowly building inside of you. "I hate you, so much..." You turn to face him, Bi-Han can tell that he opened an old wound and rubbed salt into it. But you can't possibly mean what you said...right? "Y/n, I-" but you don't let him finish. "Get out! Get out now or I'll scream! Madame Bo will hear, she'll come and she'll-"
"I miss you." He interrupts; you fall silent.
It wasn't easy for Bi-Han to say it, but it was the only thing that would calm you down and make you listen. He waits for a moment for you to calm down, you still refuse to face him. "Y/n...I..." There's so many things he wants to say to you, but words were never his strong suit. He knew you wanted him to apologize, get on his knees and beg for forgiveness, and you knew his pride would never let him. "It's time you come home, Y/n, enough of this childish nonsense." he says with low voice as he slowly approaches you. "You don't belong here. You don't belong with them. You are Lin Kuei, we both know you deserve so much better than this." He places a gentle hand onto your shoulder and gives it a gentle squeeze. Silence again. Bi-Han lets out a sigh as he walks away. "I'll be here for three days." He takes a piece of paper from his pocket and sits it on the counter. "This is where I'll be staying. All I ask is that you see me, talk to me, at least once before I go."
Bi-Han looks back at you, wishing that you look at him. Look at least once before he left, even if it was hatred, he didn't care, just as long as he got to see your face. But you refuse to look at him. Bi-Han softens as he looks at you longingly, then his face hardens once again into a scowl as he storms out of the room. Nevertheless, he knows you well enough. When this gets to be too much, you'll run back to him, no matter how unwilling you pretend to be now. And he will be there waiting. You will come back to him... won't you...?
You failed to clock out; You didn't leave the Teahouse; You stayed in the kitchen; You cried.
When you finally found the strength, you left the kitchen to walk home. When? You didn't know, and you didn't care to check. Madame Bo saw you walk past; you looked disturbed, horrified even. She asked what was wrong, and she seemed so scared for you. You mumbled that you were fine, rushing past her before she could say anything else. You didn't stop running, you ran all the way home, not stopping for a second to catch your breath or relax. When you finally made it to the house you collapsed onto the step.
You are reduced to a heaving mass of huffing and panting with your head in your hands, trying to catch your breath. You need to think, you need to lie down actually. Too much has happened today, you didn't want to think about it at all. You reach into your pocket and pull out the piece of paper with an address on it, you study it like it's the Bible. You read it over and over again until it sears its place into your brain. You feel rage forming inside you as you look at it. You rip the paper up and crumple it up before you throw it somewhere, not quite sure where because you didn't look.
You feel like there's something hot inside that just sits there and boils, you didn't want to scream or hit something, you felt so angry and you didn't know what to do with this fury. You hug yourself as you rock back and forth. You didn't want to be angry but you didn't want to calm down either. To accurately describe how you felt, it would be: UkJFIi$-#-AsbSU$+$(#_SJDKgjKXIDJ+$+$(#!!! It didn't make sense but that's just how you felt. You close your eyes as you raise your head up high and try to breathe. Seeing Bi-Han, it was not something you wanted. But it was at the same time. You should've been stronger now, nothing he said should have any effect on you. To be honest, you wanted kiss him...and then stab him, and then kiss him again, and the twist the knife.
You weren't naive, you knew you'd have to face Bi-Han eventually. You created a multiverse of different scenarios in your head on how you'd react, all the things you'd say, how he'd react, you created an entire fantasy in your head. And it was all glorious. You never anticipated Bi-Han to ambush you like that. You had so much to say, yet the moment you saw him, you choked. None of the things you wanted to say came to mind. Silence felt the only right option as you stood with your back to him.
"What do I do?" You mutter, your voice is broken and faint. A gentle and cool breeze tickles and plays with your hair.
Suddenly, you hear the door open behind you. You head swings around to see who it is. Raiden and Kung Lao aren't here, so the only person that could possibly be here is...that special friend of yours. He stands there looking down at you, very concerned.
You gasp surprised. "Johnny!?!?" Johnny Cage, your "special friend", gives a dry laugh as walks onto the step. "Hey Kitty, I know, I know. I'm a sight for sore eyes." He gives you a dazzling smile as he sets himself down next to you. "W-What are you doing here? You said you'd be here later." The movie star brushes back his hair as he takes in the nice weather. "I lied. I wanted to surprise you and come early. Then I'd give you the greatest, most special gift of all: spending extra with me. Now, come in, I made caramel popcorn."
The house had an amazing scent of chocolate, butter, and freshly made popcorn mixed with the syrup scent of caramel fill the air. You sigh at the delicious scent, you feel every stiffness and worry in your body melt as you take in the scent. You feel a smile spread across your worried face as you feel at ease. "Johnny, that smells wonderful." You try not to giggle at what you see next. An entire counter of snacks, some homemade, others are foreign, but what's most important, they're all your favorite. Your smile is contagious as it spreads to Johnny. Seeing how happy you made Johnny feel proud of himself, a bright smile forms onto his face. "Well, What can I say? I'm the best at giving the people what they deserve."
When you first met Johnny, you thought he was a self-centered, disrespectful, piggish, insolent, casanova-wannabe slag...And, well, he minda is. He had tried coming on to you, unfortunately for him this wasn't a good time for him to hit on you so you let out all the anger and resentment you felt for Bi-Han onto him. Imagine his face as you screamed at him, insulting every aspect of him, going on to questioning why would he do this to you, how could he do this to you, after all that you been through, and then having to comfort you as you broke down into tears. Later, you both had a heart to heart, he apologized for how he acted with you and you apologized for traumatizing him. Long story short, you quickly became close.
When he found out you never saw a movie before, he was over the moon with excitement to introduce you to the wonderful world of cinema like he did Kitana. He'll never forget the twinkle in your eyes as you saw your first movie, one of his of course. He loved talking to for hours about interesting trivia about things that happened behind the scenes and certainly scenes were made.
Tonight, he wanted to show you his baby, on of his all time best movies that won him numerous awards, Ninja Mime. It's one of his most cherished works and that since he would be gone for a long time, that would be the first movie you'd watch tonight.
"You're going to love it! It's the Cage cut too. So that means 2 extra hours of absolute cinema." He was basically bouncing off the walls with excitement as he readied the TV. You sigh in relief at the sound of this, you'll need something to distract you. Seeing the excitement on Cage's face was enough to make you forget about all your worries and wash away. You melt into the couch as you throw popcorn into your mouth. "But do tell me, Johnny, are there any bloopers of you messing up. Probably not, they probably need to make entire movies worth of you goofs. An entire series maybe." A smile spread across Johnny's face as you snicker. "Believe me, I don't mess up, he makes beautiful mistakes."
You found it odd how almost everyone, Bi-Han, Raiden, Kung Lao, etc thought Johnny's movies were terrible. Maybe it's because you've never really seen many movies before so you don't know what a good movie looked like, but you thought his movies were amazing. The rest of the night you spent glued to the screen as you watched every scene. You 'oohed' and 'aahed' at the action scenes no matter how obviously caked with CGI they were, you laughed at the corny jokes he made, you cried when underwritten and an annoying side character died. It was all so magical, it made it feel even more that he was here to experience it with you. He beamed as he gave you behind the scenes stories, such as when he performed an entire stunt with a broken rib.
The sun begins to set outside, and you were inside glowing with amazement at what you just saw. "Johnny, that was..." You can't even find the right words to explain how you felt. You didn't mean to, but you were really feeding Johnny's ego. "I know, I know. Don't speak. No words can bring it justice. That movie won me Oscars. And then the sequels got me a few razzies but that's besides the point." You exhale and sit up right on the Couch. "Thank you, Johnny." You give him a warm smile, he merely shrugs. "I'm just doing my part to spread the magic of cinema to the unfortunate such as yourself."
"No, I mean it." You gently lay your soft and warm hand onto his. "I really needed this, a lot, thank you." He looks up at you surprised, his cocky facade fades. He takes your hand in his and he returns your warm gaze. "You're welcome, Y/n" you both smile at each other as your enjoy the warmth of each other shand.
Not notice the shadowy figure outside the window of the kitchen. He stands there in shock at the sight of the two of you, a murderous look in his ice cold eyes.
Next Time: Bi-han gets lil jealous
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